Lately, I've been in a bit of a Pumpkin Pie Frenzy.
I had no idea how much fresh pumpkin I should buy, so I just bought a very large jack-o-lantern pumpkin. So far it has made 2 large pies, 1 small pie, soup for 4 people and there is still enough for another pie and more something else.
Luckily everyone who has tried said pies has liked it quite a bit so it's no problem finding tummies for it all.
Usually, Cyril, Jacques, Vanessa and I go somewhere together every weekend.
Cheese factory/museum in Gruyères.
On the way to the castle.

At the castle.
In the castle.
You will find that upholstery in my house in 10 years.

We love castles quite a bit.

The only street in the village.

We had to faire le stop to the train station because we accidentally took the train in the wrong direction.
City of English-Speakers
Playing in the park, as usual.
We stopped for coffee and aspartame drinks.
Video cameras are fabulous fun.
To the market we go!
Sorry about the indecent lady there.
Things are literally falling apart and it's still not that cheap.

There are also very strange things there, but I like it.

We stumbled across the Friends set.
What should I be for Halloween? It's only a week away or something.