First: Above, you will see Andrea. She is our new friend. She is an au pair in Nyon, Switzerland and she comes from Tucson, Arizona. Intrductions, done; you know everybody else.
Everything else: It is a magnificently glorious day. I'd like to get some reading done outside after this. I am currently reading a very interesting book about the life and family of an intersex person. It's called Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides.
I don't know where in this chocolate land I was snoozing two years ago, but there are(were?) lots of chocolate bunnies for 1/2 price! I tried to look for them last time with no result. And here they were all along...
By the by, I would say I just ate about 60g of (dark!) chocolate from the time I opened this text until now. I'm not going to lie, it felt good.
We invited Andrea, the Sennwalds and Sam over a few weeks ago and had a dance party in our living room.
In the craft store.

Andrea and Jacques having a camera war.
She'd never had fondue. Fondue has it's own food group here, it's a hands-down must.

Vanessa eating fondue.
If I had a nickel for every self-portrait of Jacques I have on my computer...
Sam and Jacques taking up the dance floor.
Taking the party to the streets.
Andrea, me and Vanessa.
Jacques likes to snuggle when he has a headache.
A Big Snow

Alarm. Get up. Open curtain. BAM.
Bulldozing that snow.
The Devenish's house. The scaffolding is for renovations in the attic.
Poor flowers.
(F.Y.I.: Oma = Grandma. Bitte = please. In German)
Emptying eggs.
Dipping eggs.
Delightful Easter weekend weather.
What we saw out my bedroom window all weekend.
What we did all weekend: Watch movies, Scrubs, 30 Rock and jPod, which I will say is a great show (albeit with bad acting) filmed in Vancouver, based on the novel jPod by Canadian author Douglas Coupland.
Movies: 27 Dresses, wouldn't watch it again. Into The Wild, really amazing (based on a true story) until the very end when it completely crushed me and left me quite depressed. If you're up for a not-at-all-Happily-Ever-After-still-crying-when-you-leave-the-theatre but otherwise really beautiful movie, watch it. Enchanted, surprisingly hilarious and very Happily-Ever-After.
Easter breakfast with the family. Martina and Jonas across the table.
I found my Easter basket.
Hahn = rooster in German.
After coming back from an evening at the sauna, our friend was waiting for us.
She is the friendliest cat ever!
Another big snow.
Hopefully the last, I am so sick of Winter!
Biggest, baddest milk moustache I've ever seen.

Jacques' new, army-issue glasses. They sent them to him for free.
À part de tout ça, on ira Paris en mois de deux semaines. J'ai beaucoup d'hâte, comme on n'a jamais été là pour si longtemps, presque deux semaines. Comme on a tout déjà vu, on a la chance de se lézarder un peu (avec espoir, au soleil)... ah Paris.
J'éspère que vous avez aimé tout les videos.
Bonne journée et bon prèmier jour de printemps demain.
i want to adopt that cat!
I want to adopt Robin. What a sweetheart.
Nice dancing, too.
Oh, and I love Cyril's plastic hair.
so, i have a few things to say
- the photos of me are wild
- 27 dresses was good, and i would watch it again
- that one picture before you talk about the things you've been watching, it looks like a movie scene
- i am jealous that i wasn't here for the snow
that is all.
jacques is so adorable
fun times! Is there a certain website where you post your pictures? A friend of mine at work is really wanting to get into photography and I told her what a great artist you are behind the lens so she asked if there's anywhere she can see some of your pics. If you dont mind of course...
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