Friday, May 23, 2008


Welcome to Zürich, Citizens of the World

Andrea, Cyril, Vanessa & I went to Zürich a few weeks ago. Although I had been there, all I remember of it was the inside of a giant Coop grocery store, and the store where Lily bought her Swatch watch. We went to that Coop this time and I recognized the chocolate area.
I thought you should all know this: when I work on the computer for long(ish) periods of time, my right hand turns to icy cold stone. To remedy this I must hold hands with myself or sit on it. Both of which prevent me from continuing my work. Productivity = cold hand. Sitting with my hand under my bum = warm hand & no work. Pickle.

The boyfriend and myself.

What can I say, I hang out with good ones.

Red stems.


Boat ride on the Zürichersee.
There were some pretty hostile parents on this ship.

Old town/possibly the side of the cathedral.

We stopped for margaritas.

I thought margarita was spelled with an 'h' tucked in somewhere,
but my spell check seems to be proving me wrong.

I am not the best of spellers so I don't know what I was expecting.
I recently discovered how to spell 'necessary'.

Andrea the Au pair.

Actually Andrea does look good.
Damn girl, you're making the rest of us look extra bad.

Jacques' Swiss Army-grade specs.
I didn't have my glasses and thus
I was blessed with this magnificent eye wear all morning.

Here is a little sneak peak at My Life Right Now:
SLEEP (though not as much as desired)
(ONE WEEK, aaaaah)
[which at this moment consists of: selecting & booking hostels/hotels, preparing What-Not-To-Pack, What-To-Pack & other lists, arranging activities in Switzerland & Paris, organizing lodging in Paris, visits, moolah, people, beds, jimble jam ling ding and whathaveyou (I think I am making this sound more onerous that it in actuality is)]

That last one is beginning to be quite a doozie.

I feel like I am on the brink of becoming really stressed out and it feels like there's nothing I can do about most of it.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

All April

Can You Hear Me Now?

Oliver's 7th Birthday
(Note: Robin's facial expression)

After snowing twice and being all-around miserable in April, May has brought near-summer weather and I cannot get enough. Until three in the afternoon when I'm struggling with Robin to get his nappies on or even eleven in the morning when I'm carrying home multiple litres of milk etc and sweating like a maniac.

More from Oliver's birthday.

The new trampoline.

Here's Sebastian looking as though he's tripping a little boy.

Deliiiiiicious waffles in Lausanne.

Jacques' gift from Cyril and I.

Vanessa, Jacques & Vanessa's mum, Magola and Jacques.

He got a sparkler cake.

The big 2-2.

It snowed on our way to the train.

Jacques loved it.

It was stunning, actually. In a good way.

It was also cold out.

Oliver in Gstaad.

We went there for lunch, you know.

The hotel Sebastian's parents used to run.

Swiss countryside.


Robin's 3rd Birthday

He can't even get through them all before chowing down on a gift.

ONO in Bern.

Powa Run, live!

It was so fun even I had to get in on the action.

Powa Run leaves the stage.
Two minutes later, Jacques is at the mic.
"HELLO? Hello? Hello? Uh, hi. Do you want us to play another song?"
Half-hearted applause.
"What was that?"
Louder applause. Then they played two more songs.

The girls who organized the show.

Jumping hugs.
Vanessa's boyfriend, William, in the back, laughing.

To Montreux!

Mini golf with a river!

Andrea, doing an amazing put.

The loooove birds.

Love birds #2.

A teacher of Jacques' made that statue.

Soaking up the long rays.

City of Montreux.

William in Cyril's shades.

Jacques, who else?

It was a nice sunset.


Aaand it's gone.

Of course our ESL (English as a Second Language)
boys needed to pose by the sign... pointing... to ESL?

Now I am honestly surprised that my eyelids have not given up on me entirely and let me fall asleep in my computer chair. I might have to keep these ones around, they're quite good.
Peace out, Good Ladies and Gents!