Yes I understand it has been far too long since I have slapped anything new onto this here blog. That sounded country-ish. Speaking of country (which I just said in a very thick southern drawl in my head) I never thought I would ever even tolerate the awful sound of the steel string guitar and nasal voices. I have underestimated myself. Now, I don't mean Shania Twain/Tim Macrath/thankfully I don't know any country singers, but I do mean give me a bloody harmonica and I'm going to rock out! I also mean Cyril wrote a new song that has a serious Bob Dylan/country vibe to it and I sing and I love it. At first he couldn't help himself but do the Bob voice, but he has turned that down a notch.
I'd better get on with the show; soon I have to go to a show. A Cyril and Jacques show.
He used to think it was made of real pepper and hated it and now he loves it.
I hope there will be a better picture of my new haircut soon.
Ninja Turtles, Swiss style.

Budding sculptor, Oliver.
Robin brandishing a very threatening ruler.
I once made him lego art; he was not very impressed.
At the zoo.
ROAR. He was so so close.
Ice skating!
I couldn't believe how rusty I was at first.
Preparing for a "jump". Scary business!
It was really lovely.

Behind every Swiss park is a cow pasture.
Bug-eating plant!
There was a little Botanical Garden, in case you were wondering.

Abandoned "noggi". (Pronounced: nookie)

Too cool for school.
Carrots I found at Jacques' place (real colour). They also have green banana-vegetables.
Lake of Thun and Niederhorn.
Thunersee (Lake of Thun)
My Swiss Mami, Myriame, and I.
Lake of Thun (did I say that already?)
In the mountains (Beatusberg) at a lodge like a real Swiss!
It was kind of a terrible, windy road. The back seat was the wrong choice.
Front seat, muuuuch better!
Hello Switzerland.
Since I last posted I've read/"read" three books.
1. "Read" as in listened to the audiobook, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
2. Eleonor Rigby by Douglas Coupland.
3. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
And I have realised: Audiobooks rock my world. And I want to see #3 book's movie.
I wish Swiss greetings weren't so terribly awkward and ambiguous for me as they so painfully are. 3 kisses, a kiss and a hug, a hug, a handshake, nothing, high five with the foot, 14-step secret handshake? Good grief people! It almost never never fails that I go for one thing and the other person goes for another. And then I'm left there looking like a fool and the other person no doubt felt my hand under his armpit by accident (has really happened) or a kiss on the ear (also has occurred; I wouldn't doubt more than once) . Getting to know new people, there are different greetings for them all.
Jacques & Vanessa = hugs
Girl quadruplets = hugs
Boy quadruplets = 3 kisses
Sam = a kiss and hug
Julia = I haven't seen her in so long I forget. We'll see how that goes when I get back!
Myriame = 3 kisses and a hug
The others = continue to be as awkward as possible.
Can we just leave it at the 3 kisses and never go through that silly dance ever again? Merci.
That being said, I love the 3 kisses.